Nothing is Something

I have always had a craving for doing something for making my weekends meaningful. Reading a book, going for a quick little tour, trying my hands on some new skill (mostly in the kitchen!), working for household chores, visiting the bookstore etc. The list is as vague as it appear to be versatile. But then, why is doing nothing not a part of this let me do ‘these things’ list? 

The question therefore is, Is time spent doing nothing a sheer waste or rejuvenating and productive? Well, these are questions which bother empty minds (hyperactives will say!). Yet, I proudly belong to a clan which seeks pleasure from not doing things. We are people who love to stop, stare and reflect. But if you ask us stop, stare and reflect upon what, well, I guess the best answer is ‘mindless nothingness’. Why run when you can afford to walk!

So, here is my A list for coming Sunday:

Getting-up very late in the morning. Sleep a lot. By sleep I mean that somnambulant state of being at rest. Meditation is the best form of sleep. 

Take a long walk in greens. Listen to the sounds of birds and trees. 

Switch off all electronic gadgets. Say no to TV, mobile phone and computer. Even to the shaving machine. 

Lay down in the balcony looking at the sky. Watch the kaleidoscopic artistry of clouds. Sing those regular songs from my mental playlist.

Afternoon Siesta. Must. Wake-up with a strong urge of handmade filter coffee brewed from Chikmagalur’s roasted beans. Smell the coffee and feel the bitter tang looking across grass shining with mild receding sunrays of 5 O’clock.

Take a small ride on my sports bicycle. Stretch muscles, pump some fresh blood in the cardiovascular system. Then cool down. With eyes closed feel the sweat and pounding.    

Sit together and talk a lot with members in the family. Let the talks go nowhere. Let there be no intellect involved. Let there be nothing to gain or to lose. 

Being in nothingness is an awesome feeling. If not often, you should try it once. You might meet yourself yet again.

Author: anilkshatriyablog

I work as Assistant Professor in the area of Accounting at IMT Nagpur. I love teaching, writing and cycling. I follow a simple principle, 'Help ever, hurt never'.

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